Eiffel_tower_from_trocaderoParis is known as the city of light, which is very true if you have ever seen Paris at night. The Eiffel Tower is truly an amazing structure. When you plan to go see the Eiffel Tower, know that the elevator line tends to be hours long. It is much easier to climb the first level and get onto an elevator there. This takes a lot less time than waiting for the elevator from the bottom.


The Louvre Palace is worth a visit, even for people who do not like art. There are so many famous pieces of work that are exhibited in the Louvre. One of the most famous pieces is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.


The Palace of Versailles is my favorite place in Paris. I think that it is beyond gorgeous.The tours of the palace tend to be long because of the size of it, so make sure to allot enough time for it. The gardens are also worth exploring it is truly beautiful.

arc_de_triompheAnother common sight in Paris is the Arc de Triomphe, which can be seen as you are driving. In my opinion it is not worth going to see it other than driving by it.

2014061023093046941The famous Love Lock Bridge is a common place for couples to go. You write on the lock and attach it too the bridge and throw the key in the water. This is a really cute place to visit I highly recommend it.  Paris has so much to offer for all different types of people, which is one of the things that makes it so great.

http://p3.img.cctvpic.com/photoworkspace/contentimg/2014/06/10/2014061023093046941.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/04/12/article-2128738-1290EC54000005DC-842_634x422.jpg https://www.holidayrentalsbooking.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Chateau-de-versailles.jpg http://www.placesinparis.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/arc_de_triomphe.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Eiffel_tower_from_trocadero.jpg

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